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Human Capital Development Network (HCDN),Nigeria, is a platform of advocacy for action forthe development of human capital in Nigeria. Itis a coalition of civil society organizations andother stakeholders working in fields that haveimplications on HCD with the aim of forgingconsensus and collaboration towardsengendering HCD as policy objective at all levelsand raise accountability bar for efficientinvestment towards advancing the agenda. Thecoalition was convened as a result of the currentsadistic state of HCD in Nigeria and itsconsequence on national social and economicgrowth now and in years to come. To deliver itsobjectives; the network has adopted aconsultative approach in raising awareness andimportantly generating and articulating vitalreasons sensitive enough to initiate action byimportant actors.
The network had its maiden edition of itsconsultative engagement meetings on Tuesday 29th
September, 2020. It was held virtual withkey participation from civil societyorganizations; donor agencies; and health andeducation policy think tank who discussed aboutissues around Economy and employment;Poverty and security; and Demographicdividend. It was tagged“ Creating a Sense ofUrgency for Human Capital DevelopmentAction.”
Senator Olanrewaju Tejuoso, theChairman, Senate Committee on Health, 8th National Assembly; a major proponent of humancapital development in Nigeria and thePresident of Legislative Advocacy Initiative forSustainable Development (LISDEL) – a co-convener of the HCDN – delivered the key noteaddress. Excerpt from his address is presented below.